Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Clean Eating

I find myself dealing with "normal" age related health issues.  Normal...bla.  Fatigue, weight gain, slowing metabolism and so on. 

I, however, disagree that it is just inevitable for me to sink into this lower quality of life.  I do think that it has EVERYTHING to do with what is being put into my body. 

From the air we breath to the food we eat to the supplements and pills we take, all of these enter with unknown and potentially toxic tag on's. 

Lately I have been feeling like I just want fresh cleansing foods that can scrub my insides and clean out the build up.  I haven't been drawn to foods I usually can't keep my grubby's off of.  Mostly foods that contain processed ingredients. 

Let me tell you that the feeling I get when I have had a meal of raw and unprocessed foods is amazing.  I can feel the health pulsing through my whole body.  I think clearer, which for me is good because I tend to get a little flighty.  I stand taller, because I don't feel weighed down by the nutritionally empty toxin filled food.  I have more energy, which every one tells you but until you experience it yourself it means nothing.

I am going by a fast that I did when I was pregnant.  I wanted to be able to fast and pray but knew that I needed to keep eating for mine and the baby's health.  In prayer, the HOLY SPIRIT laid this out for me.

Simply put nothing that has been processed and packaged. 

No-No's are:

Bread, cereal, rolled oats, pasta, milk, cheese, sugar, processed sweeteners, packaged meals, restaurant food, meat (unless I grew it and butchered it myself), fish (same as meat except I had to catch and fillet it myself)

Yes's are:

Raw fruits and vegetables, frozen (by me) fruits and vegetables,  home canned fruits and vegetables, beans and lentils cooked from dry, brown rice, steel cut oats, potatoes, herbs and some spices (you know taco seasoning is a no no but if you put your own together with cumin and red pepper and the like than it's okay)

This just sounds so good, yet so intimidating.  How in the world can I maintain meals for my family without Mac and Cheese or pizza?  Well, I think we will just have to adjust, and we will find that we feel better.  Enough so that when we do eat Mac and Cheese again it will be such an unpleasant experience that we will never turn back again.  We haven't eaten at the un-named (largest) burger fast food restaurant in so many years, that when we did stop there on a road trip recently, we all got so sick to our stomachs we will never return.  Even though we all ate salads with chicken, apples and white milk.

As the HOLY SPIRIT helped me when my son was allergic to so many foods, by telling me to make a list of what we can eat and not focus on what we can't.  We will do this.  I know that anything GOD asks me to do HE will give me the resources to do it.

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