Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Backyard Weeds?

The bugs are out in full force here and I thought it would be a good idea to share why we can enjoy going out without worrying about them. If we were to
get bitten or stung we know there is a plant growing right in our yard that can take care of it right away.

The Plantain. No not the banana. It is a common weed that many try to get rid of. My kids actually like to just eat them off the ground where ever we are. Of course you want to be sure that if you are in a public place you have a way to wash off your plantain.

You take a leaf of the plant and chew it a bit just to break it up then you place it on the sting or the bite. It will almost immediatly dissappear. You leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes and when you take it off you will hardly know there was anything there. I usually just use medical tape to hold it on. You can't keep your kids still enough for 10 minutes so they can get the full affect.

Look this one up and see if you can find new ways to make it useful. Enjoy a worry free summer.

Check out the section on Uses in this one. It describes the way to take care of a bee sting. I also do the same application for bug bites.


The rest of these are just good information on how to use this great herb. I just learned on one of them how to make it into a cough syrup. Awesome.





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