Tuesday, August 28, 2007


In the last post I mentioned the Recommended Daily Values for nutrients. It got me thinking about my diet. Am I getting the full amount of nutrients I need daily? How do I accomplish this? Well lets take on an idea that has been used in diets before.


Counting points and calories is good, but are you getting the nutrients you need? I propose that we look at the Daily values chart and then get to know our foods better.

Here are two websites that give us a daily value chart. Just use the one that you understand better.


I know that for some counting is not fun. I would not want to have to do it forever. I just think it is a good tool to see where we are currently and then use it to make a plan for our diets.

1 comment:


As in nazi Germany, once martial law is engineered and declared, marginal disciplines like yours will be virtually nonexistent. Anything that doesn't glorify the police or the military will be unimportant. Enjoy what little prosperity you now have; it won't last.

Fortunately, though, this time around will be different from when Hitler sodomized the planet. Jesus Christ is soon to come so this will be the last dictatorship and the last world war mankind will ever witness.
