Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Cold and Flu Tips - Stay Hydrated

When you are dealing with a cold or flu it is necessary to keep hydrated. There are lots of ways to keep up on your fluid intake even when you are feeling down.

On a normal day you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water.
100 lbs = 50 oz
When you are sick it may be harder to drink water because water or other things just don't taste good, or you just don't have an appetite. It may also be hard to take care of yourself, because you may be just to tired or weak to do anything else but rest. So give yourself some grace here. But also, be prepared with some basic steps to make it easier on yourself if you find yourself really feeling down.
Things I do when feeling down and needing to stay hydrated.
1. We have a stool that we place next to the couch or bed where we can place lidded cups, tissues, and other sick day needs (like the remotes).
2. Add things to water to make is smoother. Water can taste harsh or feel hard on the stomach when you don't feel good. I add a little apple cider vinegar to my water. About a teaspoon per 8 oz, or you can add lemon or other fruits like frozen strawberries.
3. Ice chips work wonders if we are dealing with nausea. I also use popsicles. I look for the real fruit kind, or make my own from fruit I have on hand.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Cold and Flu Season Tips

Nutrient-based therapies are typically very safe and create little side effects. Additionally, they tend to work against viruses in multiple ways by boosting the immune system and directly inhibiting viral reproduction.

In addition to these, there are a couple of other natural thing to keep in mind that will definitely help you feel better soon.

I have found these things to be helpful for my family and myself when we are dealing with colds or the flu.


Vitamin C
Olive Leaf Extract

Things to remember:


#SickDayTips #ColdAndFluSeason #GetHealthyStayHealthy